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Monday, June 25, 2007


Question: We did our research, and the Bible says “Don’t be concerned with the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes.” (1Peter 3:3) Many spiritual practices other than Christianity charge followers to downplay worldly things as well. What do you think? Is it sacrilegious to put on your Sunday Best and go to church?


yellie said...

yeah. especially when the pastor/religious leader constantly reminds us that the bible says "come as you are," but this doesn't stop them from pushing their bentleys and rolles royces.

Unknown said...

sacrilege? no. inconsistent? definitely. can also be harmful when would-be worshippers opt out of church services because of the upturned noses and sideways glares from their 'better' dressed co-christians. far as i know, jesus used to roll up in sandles, natty dredlocks, and a big peasy beard. if he tried to come worship himself, would he be turned away?

chil said...

come as u r no doubt but i will come as fresh as i can when in GODs presents. which is always. we should stop judging and start living right.